Mission Statement
To look after orphans and widows in their distress. (James 1:27)
Funding Guidelines
We invite all organizations with valid 501C status to apply, but we prioritize giving to Christian organizations who have alignment with our mission statement. We ask all organizations to review our funding guidelines for eligibility before applying.
- We’re committed to funding organizations that are rooted in the values of the Christian faith.
- We’re committed to funding organizations that are aligned with our mission of looking after orphans and widows.
- We fund organizations with less than $10M in annual operating revenue.
- We generally fund no more than 10% of an organization’s operating budget.
- We invite organizations to apply for grants a maximum of three consecutive years. Organizations that have been granted funds for 3 consecutive years will be asked to wait two years before applying again.
STEP 1: Organization Info
Please complete the info below.
STEP 2: Documentation Upload
Please upload the following documentation below, one at a time.
- This 1-page grant application - please complete and submit as PDF.
- Most recent annual report, if available.
- 501c3 Determination Letter.
- Financials for current and prior 2 fiscal years, including internal budget, audited financials (if applicable) and 990’s.
- Any other relevant documentation.
SFF - One Page Application274.3KB